Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 Years End

2019 reviews in review

Well, this has been an exciting adventure for me so far. I have wanted to get this off the ground for some time now. Thanx to my college course in English comp, I gained the courage to throw my thoughts onto the computer and let my creative writing and research skills loose on one of my long-time hobbies…Hot Wheels diecast collecting. If you didn’t read the first post in the series, I started this hobby almost 30 years ago. I haven’t collected like a die hard but have always sought to build a collection of muscle cars and exotic cars for a personal dream garage and I did that at a fraction of what one of these cars would cost in real life. The collection also spanned 4 generations of a family and continues into this day. it is a part of my life that is affordable and provides hours of entertainment whether I am out hunting the pegs or sitting here typing about a casting or two.

   I have always had a love for cars and the designs and trends they represent. Cars reflect eras in design and innovations, they reflect personalities and motivate us to get somewhere else. That is what I am trying to capture in this blog. Mind you that I may not have been born in the hay days of some of these cars but to witness them on a track, at the drag strip, at a judged car show or just a cruise in is always fun and exciting for me. Cars speak to some people for something that they personally like, some express the personality of the owner themselves. Some cars keep people focused on making their car into a rolling work of art and some people just drive their cars to wherever they are going. No matter what your situation is, you have some connection with a car in your history. Maybe just one car that a friend had or someone in the neighborhood had and maybe still has that just makes you smile a little when you see it or hear it.

  I have taken us all down a trip through a lot of different eras of cars, different styles and completely different approaches to automobiles. From Hot rods to muscle cars to exotics and into the future with electric cars. I wind down 2019 with a view of all that I have covered in a couple group shots and some memorable evolutions in the brief history. 2020 promises to be just as exciting as I have been going through my collection to find more cars to review. I will be trying to upgrade the quality of the photos in each post. I hope that you will stick with me through the new year and continue to journey through my collection and thoughts on the cars featured.

I hope that you are having a great holiday season and that Santa has provided you with many hours of enjoyment with a Hot Wheels garage in the making. I was graced with a new display case that I am using to display all the cars from the blog! If you have any suggestions on eras, styles or models in particular, let me know in the comments section. If you have versions of your own you would like to post and comment about, I would love to hear your story and see what you have in your collections!

Happy peg hunting, 2020 looks like it will be another great year for Hot Wheels collecting. It is an anniversary year for treasure hunts. Look for the Nissan R35 50th anniversary to top the price scales and that is just first quarter!

HAPPY NEW YEAR………2020 – the year of a clear vision.

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